Welcome everyone and pull up a seat at the table. It’s Lunchtime in Rome. Tonight’s episode 203 entitled “Very Good Relationships - Christ at the Center”
How are your relationships? How would you describe your closest relationship? There's an ideal answer and we'll be talking about that (and how to begin to get there) at The Table this evening!
Pull up a seat at the table and join us!
Revisit Good vs Very Good
Biblical basis
Real life reasons
What most marriages say
Review history of divorces - the reason divorce rates went up and down had nothing to do with “very good” relationships
Remind that this applies to ALL relationships
Revisit what a good relationship looks like
Intimacy within each others lives (not just sex)
Trials and tribulations bring couples closer together
All 4 types of needs are being met
There is an upward trend of the quality and intimacy of the relationship
It is not the absence of conflict but the overcoming of it
Preview the 3 components of Very Good relationships
Christ at the Center
Open, Honest, and Vulnerable Communication
Mutual Giving
Tonight’s Main Topic - Christ at the Center
In healthy relationships, we look to God as the source of help, allowing Him to involve others in meeting our needs as He chooses.
We should talk with Him about what we need
We should talk with Him about what THEY need
We should ask God to help us understand them
What they are presently going through
What they have been through in the past
How He feels for them right now
In not Very Good relationships
We ONLY rely upon and put pressure on the other to meet our needs
God is left out as a bystander
We may not be praying for the other person at all
We may only pray in generalities and not specifics or for insight
We "entrust" their maturation to God, leaving Him unhindered to accomplish His work in their lives.
Unhealthy try to control or manipulate their responses to our needs
Healthy relationships trust that their maturation in the Lord will inevitably work to meet your needs
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