Welcome everyone and pull up a seat at the table. It’s Lunchtime in Rome. Tonight’s episode 211 entitled “Too Much Hurt”
Pull up a seat at the table and join us!
Too Much Hurt - The Full Cup
“Honey I Can’t”
Revisit the Emotional Cup
What happens when your cup is full? - Remind that this is broken down in the simplest of terms/descriptions
Emotional Trauma
Hurts go to Anger? - Irritability/hostility
Hurts go to Fear?
Anxiety - constant fear of worst case scenario
Depression - resolute to worst case scenario
Emotionally Numb
Inward purpose - Detached/protection
Outward ramifications -Unable to love/meet needs
Controlling/Obsessive Behavior
Inward purpose - protection from future pain
Outward ramifications
Stealing needs
Managing all variables to avoid hurts
Complex Manifestations
Sleep/eating disorders
Physical Ailments - The Body Keeps the Score
Escape behaviors
Substance addictions
Work/Exercise obsessions
Ramifications - Many
Go over typical solutions to each
Come back, once again, to the essential nature of Emotionally Focused Therapy
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