Welcome everyone and pull up a seat at the table. It’s Lunchtime in Rome. Tonight’s episode 212 entitled “The Impact of a Teacher”
What did your teacher or coach teach you about life? It could be life changing or just something that stuck with you throughout the years. We’ll be sharing those life lessons tonight at The Table.
Pull up a seat at the table and join us!
Michele Hayhurst Shimko
Ms. Deb Bryson my honors speech and comp class 11th grade. Take the risk, be your authentic self and put a little piece of you in everything you do. We did a lot of writing and impromptu speeches. But this advice stuck with me...lately it's really become my mantra.
Tracey McDermott
Mr Scarcelli taught me 2 things: work ethic and the importance of baking cookies 😊. He packed his lunch daily and would help us struggling Math kids during his lunch in his classroom. I left that class wanting to work harder and have some fun too.
Shelly Knack Young
Sister Laurentia: “be at the right place at the right time, doing the right thing”! And ….always use your Christlike manners.
JoAnne Laffey Abed
Too many great teachers to mention them all, but Ms. Bowman and Mr. Modic gave me a love of literature and history and the knowledge that you have to dig deeper to get at the real truth.
I ended up double majoring in English and history, but it goes beyond those subjects. Thanks to them, I developed critical thinking skills and a drive to see things from other perspectives, which have helped me be a better professional, partner, parent, and person every single day.
Tressa Holodnik
I had a Computer Science professor in college; we all called her Dr. M.
I ran to her office an hour before a C++ exam, freaking out because there was this one code set I was using to study, but it wouldn't run for me. After looking over it intently, she found all of my coding logic was correct, but I'd forgotten a semicolon at the end (in english: it's like writing a complete sentence but forgetting a period at the end).
Her advice to me: "Before you fail the exam/decide to drop the class/change your major/leave the school, sometimes all you're missing is a semicolon."
How I took that was: before you jump to conclusions or make hasty decisions, stop to look at the small details. There's probably something you're missing or something that's off which is causing you trouble.
As an overthinker generally, this advice has really helped me in all kinds of situations.
(Also, for further context, I now produce insurance reports using SQL queries and build out various code sets... So I stuck with it!)
Laurie Ann Klingler Bonine
Mr. Isaac taught me that not everyone learns the same way. He met me where I learned—hands on not being lectured to. Changed my world and made me want to be a teacher!
Emily Rose
How about from coaches? I think I mentioned this to you before but I will always remember you saying, “Practice makes permanent!”
Janet Uffner Amato
One of my nuns at 8th grade graduation stated "dare to be different"! Sounds kind of mundane but it stuck with me!
Ed Konop
Ben Holste.... possibly the best and most influential teacher I have ever had.
"It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice"
Kristin Eckels Glenn
Love this. Mr. Pierello, Mr. Scarcelli, and Mr. Hemphill all tried to teach me that I was capable of much more than I thought I was. I wasn’t ready to hear it at the time, but god bless them for trying. Mr. Dortenzo taught me I was a creative writer. thankfully a law school professor - Joan Neiser - recognized my learning style and taught me how to organize all those random creative thoughts.
Dan Leppold
Live your life like it's a movie or great novel!
Celebrate the "wins" in life, no matter how small. Focus on what you did right today, learn from mistakes but walk through those and focus on the good things that you made happen each day.
Win today.
Pay yourself first and last. When you get up in the morning do something that makes you happy first.
At the end of the day reminisce on the good parts of the day.
You stop improving when you decide to stop getting better. So never stop trying to be a better . . . friend, husband, wife, friend, employee, citizen, etc.
If you improve 0.3% each day just think about how you will be years from now. This is not just for athletes, but for all of us.
Make a list (in your mind) of the top 10 greatest moments in your life and think about them at least once every day. This is not a list that you post, or even share with anyone, it's just for you.
Be thankful when a new experience or accomplishment pushes out one of your older top ten moments.
I'm not sure how my story will end, but if I'm an old man, collapsed on my farm, knowing it's my last moments . . . I'll be smiling because I plan on thinking about my ten greatest moments!
Keep them fresh in your mind. We all have accomplished extraordinary things yet often we think the most about our failures.
That is stupid.
Live in the moment, keep one eye on tomorrow, move on from yesterday.
Chickens are easier to pick up at night, so why would you move them during the day?
Victory is meaningless if it's easy.
Accept defeat in your life as a sign you are doing everything right.
Then get back up and do it again.
1. You become what you think about the most
2. Confidence starts as a choice
3. The quality of excellence begins in your mind
4. Celebrate the wins in your everyday life
5. Believe then work hard
Rey the Kitten reminds all of us that even though we might not be little anymore we should still seek joy & fun.
Don't be too cool to express your true feelings. Be passionate, support those around you, be kind & generous.
May be an image of cat and text that says 'I wake up every morning to the alarm on my phone playing Something Just Like This by Coldplay and The Chainsmokers. My kitten Rey then jumps onto my chest purring and kneading until get up. This is an every morning routine. Well today on the radio Something Just Like This starts to play, and wouldn't you know it that kitten raced across the room, jumped onto my chest and started kneading and purring. thought that was pretty cool.'
Never miss a good sunset or a pleasant twilight. That time of the day is wonderful. It can be both warm and cold, light but dark, ending of the day yet it's the beginning of the night. It's a time of reflection, it's magic.
Don't miss it because you are on your phone or doing something you could do later. Go outside! I specifically have certain farm chores I do at twilight . . . so I don't let one sneak by with appreciating it.
Actors always have a dress rehearsal before a big show, to fix lighting problems & work out the kinks. To make mistakes - so when the curtain rises everything works. Apply this to your failures in life . . . they are dress rehearsals for success!
What you did yesterday got you to today . . . now act positively, passionately, decisively . . . and make tomorrow better than today. Be kind, work hard, set realistic goals, and #LiveYourLifeLikeItsAMovie
All the flowers of tomorrow are in the seeds of today. Get out there and work hard, plant a seed that will make your dreams come true!
Do something this week that will make the life of another person better. Give it some thought, be excited and passionate, accomplish the goal, then walk away and expect nothing in return. We can all be superheroes.
Friendly reminder: Most great things had very small beginnings.
Do it.
The biggest mistake you can make in life is being afraid of making one; just watching as life passes you by. Failure is merely a stepping stone to success.
Ok ok, I'll stop lol. These are some of the points I preach to my students. And I try very much to practice what I preach.
I call it "Monday Morning Advice" and start each of the classes I teach with something like I just posted each week.
I started this when I wanted to give ONE of my students some advice, but didn't want them to know I was just talking to them. So I gave it to the whole class.
No lie, about a decade later, that student (now an adult with a family), said to me "you don't remember this I'm sure but one day you gave advice to the whole class . . . well that was huge for me and really helped me!"
Haha, I just responded with something like "cool" or "that's great".
Did I remember?
Ummm yes, and was floored that the person found me to tell me that.
My first "Monday Morning Advice" was a success.
How crazy is that?!
The Impact of a Teacher | Episode 212