Lunchtime In Rome Podcast
Lunchtime in Rome
Summer Then vs Summer Now | Episode 249

Summer Then vs Summer Now | Episode 249

Join us for Lunchtime in Rome, Episode 249: "Summer Then vs Summer Now." Tonight, we discuss whether summer was better in the past or is more enjoyable today. Grab a seat!

Tonight’s Topic


  • It's almost always better back then. Mostly because we tend to remember only the good. People who don't think it was better back then typically don't have the luxury of ignoring the bad parts of their personal yesteryear.

Rici McWhinney Oswalt

  • Definitely better when I was a kid, mainly because I was a kid.

Sally Feeney Herr

  • I liked summer when my kids were young, and then when I watched my grands. Activities such as swimming, going to the different parks, the kids playing in the sandbox, picnics. With E&A we were rarely in the house. I liked it when I had the kids, we had fun. BACK IN THE a kid we (our neighbors) were always outside. Playing baseball in our neighbors yard, riding bikes, exploring in the woods behind our houses, in the winter sled riding, snow ball fights, building igloos. Now so many kids & adults are glued to the devices.


  • I liked it back when we all did things outside. Always had friends to do things with and had fun. Don't remember such intense weather - heat and humidity. Even our kids spent the majority of the summer outside with friends. NO SCREENS! And of course, going to the Highlands pool with the kids was awesome and it's no longer there.

Mary Lynn Pleczkowski

  • As long as it was warm weather or a good thunderstorm, it was good – then or now!

Crystal Lynn (HS teacher)

  • It was better back then. We used to run and play all over the neighborhood. Now kids are confined to their yards and making play dates.

Dan Leppold

  • I can remember staring at the ceiling trying to fall asleep without an air conditioner at night, . . . and just sweating lol.

  • I can also remember hanging out with the neighborhood youth, outside, on a hot summers night, no one recording what we talked about, no photographs taken. We lived in the moment and I recall it being nice.

  • I can remember Wildwood New Jersey boardwalk being safe.

  • I can remember when tattoos were rare & always had deep meaning like a veteran or armed forces.

  • I can remember hanging out at someone's car listening to what the DJ was playing on the car radio. And then calling the DJ (on a landline) asking them to play some Van Halen.

  • I think summer during the 1970's was better than today.

  • St. Barts Fair, with the poker, Big Chuck, fireworks, cute chicks everywhere.

  • I can remember being without any sort of curfew or accountability. Today parents track their kids' phones, terrible.

  • I remember drinking watered down tang and thinking how life can't get any better.

  • The ice cream man with the tunes playing from that yellow VW bug.

  • The skydivers during the St. Barts Fair.

  • Riding my bike WAY farther away from my home that anyone thought I could.

  • I guess it's sort of hard to compare though because we change.

  • If we were all still 7 years old we could better gather meaningful data on Summer 2024 to that of 1977.

  • Simpler is normally better, so I do think I'm lucky to have grown up in Penn Hills in the 70's.

  • But I enjoy being able to look at a weather radar signature on my phone today and being able to better plan my summer day.

  • I have money now . . . so summer is better today than when I had no money to buy treats from the ice cream man. But I enjoy those treats more now because I could not enjoy them back in the day . . .

  • I think the true answer involves calculus, so I am out. I don't do that s*** anymore.

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