Welcome everyone and pull up a seat at the table. It’s Lunchtime in Rome. Tonight’s episode 186 is entitled, “Childhood Essentials”. It is said that there are 40 different assets one needs as a child to become a healthy functioning adult. How many of them did you receive and how many are your children (children in general) getting? We'll be talking about that this evening at The Table.
Pull up a seat at the table and join us! First time listeners can subscribe on your favorite podcast app, watch us LIVE at youtube.com/@lunchtimeinrome or listen directly on Lunctimeinrome.com. While there you can take our relational needs questionnaire. Make sure to follow us on all social media and it would be great if you give us a five star review.
1. Family Support—Family continues to be a consistent provider of love and support for the child’s unique physical and emotional needs.
2. Positive Family Communication—Parent(s) and child communicate openly, respectfully, and frequently, with child receiving praise for her or his efforts and accomplishments.
3. Other Adult Relationships—Child receives support from adults other than her or his parent(s), with the child sometimes experiencing relationships with a nonparent adult.
4. Caring Neighborhood—Parent(s) and child experience friendly neighbors who affirm and support the child’s growth and sense of belonging.
5. Caring School Climate—Child experiences warm, welcoming relationships with teachers, caregivers, and peers at school.
6. Parent Involvement in Schooling—Parent(s) talk about the importance of education and are actively involved in the child’s school success.
7. Community Values Children—Children are welcomed and included throughout community life.
8. Children as Resources—Child contributes to family decisions and has opportunities to participate in positive community
9. Service to Others—Child has opportunities to serve in the community with adult support and approval.
10. Safety—Parents and community adults ensure the child’s safety while keeping in mind her or his increasing independence.
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