Lunchtime In Rome Podcast
Lunchtime in Rome
Brian is Back! | Episode 233

Brian is Back! | Episode 233

Show Notes

Welcome everyone and pull up a seat at the table. It’s Lunchtime in Rome. Tonight’s episode 233 is entitled “Brian is Back!!!”.   You all remember me right?  I used to be on this podcast all of the time.  Well, I’ve been gone for a while and a lot has been going on.  I can’t wait to share it all with you tonight at The Table.

Pull up a seat at the table and join us!

In Episode 233 of "Lunchtime in Rome," titled "Brian's Back," Brian makes his much-anticipated return to the podcast, sharing his experiences and insights after a prolonged absence. He discusses the significance of not facing life's challenges alone, highlighting the podcast's focus on Romans 12:15, which emphasizes the importance of sharing joys and sorrows with others to prevent loneliness. The episode unfolds with personal anecdotes and discussions about emotional needs, demonstrating these concepts through their interactions and stories. The hosts delve into the complexities of meeting emotional needs, especially in children, and share personal updates, including Valentine's Day celebrations and challenges faced in their lives. Brian recounts his intense work experience in New York, involving a critical project with high stakes for his friend's business, emphasizing the emotional and professional challenges he navigated. The conversation also touches on the importance of relational needs, support from colleagues, and the impact of sobriety on facing demanding situations. The episode concludes with Brian's appreciation for certain "bests" during his time in New York, including a memorable shower, authentic Indian food, and the benefits of complete sobriety.